Payday loans, cash advance loans, faxless payday loans online or whatever else they may be called are a godsend for folks with little to no credit or bad credit. They can provide you with quick cash when you need it to help get out of a bind that could otherwise be a devastating financial event.
When you need a little bit of money to help make ends meet until your next paycheck there are few alternatives for most of us to choose from. Some folks can use their credit cards or checking account overdraft protection to scrape through in a bind. But for the rest of us there is Payday cash advance loans.
The principle is simple: a person needs a little bit of money to help them make ends meet until their next paycheck. The lender provides this money and charges a fee for the service. Fair enough. Some people feel that the charges associated with this type of loan are too high but when you're in a bind they don't seem too bad after all.
When faced with emergencies or other financial issues that require cash now a payday loan may be the answer. These types of loans are easily obtainable because the borrower doesn't need to have an outstanding credit history. If you're 18 years old with pay stubs proving employment and have a bank checking account, generally that's all that is required. For this reason, payday loans are considered sub-prime, and like all sub-prime lending, they are pricier.
Having said that, you should just be aware that theses types of loans can be costly so be careful when considering one. There are definitely reasons that are prime candidates for a Payday loan.
Top Ten Reasons to Apply for a Payday Loan
· Pay your bills on time and avoid late fees or service interruption
· Post bail for a friend or family member
· Pay for unforeseen auto-repairs
· Cover expenses while changing jobs
· Extra cash for Vacation
· Expenses associated with Relocation
· Buy groceries or other necessities
· Purchase School supplies and clothes for the kids
· Improve or establish your credit
· Cover emergency medical and/ funeral expenses
The best alternative of all is a preventive one. I'm talking about budgeting, the art of anticipation and discipline. For most of us, this does not come naturally or easily. It requires a lot of hard work and a good plan.
Payday cash advance loans are a fast and simple way to obtain minimal sums of money. They're designed for people in a financial pinch, who need just enough to make it until their next paycheck. As such, they are expensive in terms of fees but this cost is easily off-set by convenience. While it is best to prevent financial problems whenever possible before they occur, in an emergency a payday cash advance loan can come in very handy indeed.